Looking for Spring!

Via Panisperna - Monti

Via Panisperna - Monti

This morning little nostalgy of Rome where I lived for a year… This city in Spring is covered with flowers, greeneries, abundant ivies covering the facades… a real pleasure for the eyes! A friend discovered Rome with me last year and she kept saying « how green the city is »… and she was right! So a little reminder in this greyish day…

Clivo di Rocca Savella

Clivo di Rocca Savella

Piazza Santa Sabina

Piazza Santa Sabina - Aventin

Via Giulia - Campo dei Fiori

Via dei cappellari - Campo dei Fiori

L'hotel Raphaël - Piazza Navona

L'hotel Raphaël - Piazza Navona

Vicolo del buco - Trastevere

Vicolo del buco - Trastevere